Welcome to the user help for the Virtual Desktop Assist, the most powerful and successful virtual desktop software.
Virtual Desktop Assist is a virtual desktop manager for Windows operating system which allow you to create multiple virtual desktops and switch between them by hot key. The virtual desktop manager lets you organize different applications over serveral virtual desktops(also called workspace),
This is useful to person who perform different things on one computer at the same time. You can create a desktop for programs that you have to run, but you don't want to take workspace from your desktop. Or, if you want to hide runing programs from others. Or, if you want to run
multiple shells at the same time. Once you get accustomed to using it, it will become indispensable part of your work.
Virtual Desktop Assist is designed to be simple and elegant to use yet still be highly configurable and extensible. You can quickly switch from one desktop to another desktop by Press Hot Key(Accelerator) and you can set your Custom Hot Key.